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Everything that the honeybees create is profoundly medicinal on all levels. They are beeings of love that leave only beauty and healing in their path, not even damaging a petal on a flower as they weave their sacred dance. Even their sting is a powerful force of healing. The love story between the bees and the flora is the greatest one known to man. We are more similar to these creatures than meets the eye, and they have asked me to create these vibrational therapies to help remind us of our purpose here on earth, which is to live in alignment with love and abundance for all. Allow the bees to remind you of your true nature ⚘
— WIth honey in the heart, Onyx

Essence of wax comb

The sacred hexagon shape is created by the bees through the vibration they emit while forming each cell. Hans Jenny coined this term ‘Cymatics’ in reference to shapes spontaneously being created through sound. Wax is the structure that supports all activities within the hive, and is intrinsically linked with communication through vibration. Wax supports our ability to create strong foundations that are also malleable when necessary. Beeswax is alchemized sunlight (returning back to light when burned), and supports our ability to maintain that optimistic, sunny perspective through life. Connection between the root and the throat chakras. Speaking our foundations into bee-ing through the vibrations (words, thoughts, spells) we create. 

(Drone, Moon in Capricorn)


Essence of nectar

Nectar is the Yin essence of the flower. She amplifies all seats of our intuition within the physical and energetic body. Nectar also reminds us that our bodies intuitively know how to heal themselves. Nourishing and supportive like the divine mother, nectar moves gently like water throughout the body assisting with any stagnation that might be present. Nectar connects us to our deep feminine wisdom of how to listen and heal. Softening and soothing. 

(Queen, Moon in Pisces)


essence of propolis

Propolis is the immune system of the honeybee. It is collected from the resin of trees and alchemized into a super substance that holds strong antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. The bees coat all surfaces of the hive with this beautiful substance, and as such it sterilizes the air that they breathe. Energetically it carries the frequency of Divine Love. This is what gives it such powerful healing gifts. It is so strong, that it has the capacity to mummify intruders that are too large for the bees to physically remove. The bees understand that the root of all disease is fear. This essence coats fears and trauma within the body, and allows them to be transmuted gently into the frequency of LOVE. Particularly good for ailments of the heart and lungs. 

(Collective Hive, Moon in Pisces)


essence of pollen

Pollen is the Yang essence of the flower. It has been documented to help tremendously with fertility (especially in men, but also in women) as well as increasing libido. Packed with protein, pollen is collected as food for the baby bees within the hive. It is highly nutritious and beneficial to the digestive system as well. This essence carries the energy of vitality, creativity, and deep soul nourishment. Creating from a place of internal strength and confidence. Nourishing our creative dreams as if they were our children. Having the energy to move forward and accomplish much in life. An intensive focus on the sacral and solar plexus energy centers. Also very much associated with the pagan god, Pan, guardian of the bees.  

(Maiden, Moon in Aries)


essence of Honey

Honey is unique in it’s ability to be programmed with specific intentions, similar to a quartz crystal. In the hive, honey represents the collective memory of the bees. Winter bees are not the same individuals who were foraging all summer long, but as they ingest the honey stores through the winter season they are able to revisit the collective memory bank of the flowers on the land. Hive Mind. Ability to remember and re write our stories (both from past lives and this life). Reprogramming thought patterns and beliefs. Honey is food made in prayer. Engaging with the sweetness and sacredness of life.

(Collective Hive)

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essence of Venom

Venom is a gift. It is the strongest and most purifying of all honeybee medicine. The honeybee loses her life when she stings; the ultimate sacrifice. The Chinese used to use bee venom in acupuncture to clear the meridians, which is a practice (known as Bee Venom Therapy) that is still practiced today. Venom on a physical level can be used to kill cancer cells, treat Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme Disease, as well as Rheumatoid Arthritis. Useful for moving energy that is very stuck either from past personal or ancestral trauma. This is intense medicine that will clear the energetic pathways so that new healthy energy can flow.